Discord Bridge

Discord Bridge

  1. Send the message “login” to “@discordbot:aenead.net”.
  2. In Discord’s mobile app, click on your user profile and select “Scan QR Code”.
  3. Scan the QR code that the Discord Bridge Bot sent you with your mobile device.

Alternatively, users may authenticate with their token. Instructions for this method are provided by the Discord bridge bot.

Discord DMs will automatically be bridged. Guilds must be manually bridged, by performing the following commands.

  1. Send the message “guilds status” to “@discordbot:aenead.net”.
  2. Find the guild to be bridged, and copy its ID (the long string of numbers at the end of the guild’s name)
  3. Send the message “guild bridge ” to the bot, replacing “” with the ID copied in step 2.